The success of any project depends on the capabilities and skills of those involved. And perhaps one of the most critical roles in ensuring the timely and successful completion of a construction project is the project manager.
Given the sheer weight of this responsibility, a project manager must possess the right skills for the role – or else the project risks failing, or at the very least, encountering major setbacks and delays. And so, whether you are looking to hire the right candidate or develop your own skills to manage a project, here are six key skills for a successful construction project manager.
Without question, a successful construction project manager must possess strong communication skills. This not only means the construction manager must know how to clearly communicate what is required, but he or she must also use their communications skills to motivate workers. Also, never forget that a good communicator is also a great listener, and any great listener knows how to receive and benefit from feedback.
Successful project managers know they cannot do everything on their own. After all, their role is to manage, not micromanage. A great leader will delegate responsibilities to the right people – i.e. often those most capable of performing the requisite tasks. Delegation also allows the manager more time to focus on his or her role
Strong delegation skills dovetail with organizational skills. If you have previously worked as a project manager, or simply worked on any construction job site, you know that projects often overlap, and there are dozens of things that must be addressed at once. A good project manager is constantly aware of all the to-dos, and which obligations must be prioritized to make sure time is spend judiciously and tasks are kept on schedule.
Let’s be honest, if you were to name the top-five most innovative industries making use of cutting-edge technologies, the construction industry would likely not make that list. But this is starting to change as a greater number of construction-related technologies are being introduced into the market and finding their way onto job sites. But one of the greatest barriers to entry are project managers unaware of new tech, or fearful of adopting new solutions. And so, a successful project manager will be open to considering new technologies if they are right for the job.
The most successful construction managers have a pulse on the industry and are always aware of recent trends and developments. They keep themselves appraised of new materials and techniques that could assist with their project, while also being aware of the innovative strategies and methodologies they can leverage to reach their goals.
Anyone in any position of leadership is well versed in the importance of planning for successes and failures. As Murphy philosophized – anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. This is an unfortunate reality on many sites. However, the most common culprit are project managers that fail to plan or consider project pitfalls. Successful project managers, along with their team, should determine potential risks so they can devise contingency plan to address and solve those problems before they get out of hand, or better yet, figure out how to avoid those potential problems all together.
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