During the pandemic, society was brought to a standstill. Professionals didn’t need to commute to work any longer, instead, they logged into a digital workplace. Because fewer people were driving and flying, our planet finally got a break from pollution, excessive waste, and other environmental stressors. Now that people are returning to work and these eco-issues are at the forefront, how will the working world handle this green revolution?
Fortunately for green technology, we are seeing solutions intended to reduce the impact of humanity on the environment. Solar panels, wind turbines, and recycling are ways that can help our planet restore itself. Businesses can also do their part by incorporating more eco-friendly methods like recyclable computers, cloud computing, and electric cars. As more environmental solutions are needed to move our world forward, companies will require more employees who are technologically competent.
In today’s times, digital connectivity has become more important than ever. Millions of Americans are still working remotely across various industries like technology, finance, and health care. While some geographic areas have succeeded in expanding their technological capabilities, others are lagging. Nearly 72% of homes in urban areas had access to the internet in 2019, twice as much as compared to rural regions. This technological disparity limits groups while also putting professionals in rural areas at a career disadvantage.
Why should our society’s structure limit how many people have access to the technological capabilities that are powering our world? During the pandemic, rural communities realized the opportunity to attract more remote technology professionals looking to escape the big city. To stay in tune with the working world, businesses and local municipalities across demographic regions can now invest in more areas of technological advancement like broadband connectivity, software migrations, and education.
With more industries and rural communities investing in tech, this will help professionals prepare for career opportunities in technology-based fields. Candidates known for their technological prowess will be some of the first to get hired. Meanwhile, potential employees outside of an urban area may be anticipating opportunities to elevate their digital skills. Thus, the value of technical skills is becoming more essential to career growth than ever before.
Already have some solid technological skills under your belt? Consider more eco-friendly job opportunities where you can drive an impact. Whether it’s a corporation looking to improve their environmental footprint, a government agency’s wastewater handling, or a sustainability non-profit, there is a plethora of ways to join the movement for a healthier planet.
Now that COVID-19 has made the world’s environmental issues clearer for the working world to see, it’s time for a change. Given your current position, how can you advocate for more eco-friendly solutions or a position where you can use technology for green? Regardless of which career path you choose, we can help you find your next position to save the planet.
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